Singing Guide: Romeo Santos

Singing Guide: Romeo Santos

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Learning to Sing like Romeo Santos

Romeo Santos is known for his salsa-infused bachata music and his unique style of singing. In order to learn how to sing like Romeo Santos, here are some tips and tricks to incorporate into your practices:

Analyze Your Voice

Before practicing, analyze your voice to identify your voice type. This will help you understand the range of notes that you can comfortably sing. To learn more about voice types, read this article on Singing Carrots.

Breathing Techniques

Proper breathing techniques are key to singing well. Improve your breathing by doing Farinelli breathing exercises , as they help improve your lung capacity. Complement this with active and passive breathing techniques. For more on this, check out this article.

Chest Voice and Vibrato

Romeo Santos is known for using his chest voice often in his music, as well as using vibrato to add character to his singing. To learn more about chest voice, read this article and follow along the linked exercise. To learn more about vibrato, follow the vibrato exercises.

Performing and Confidence

Romeo Santos is a natural performer, who exudes confidence on stage. Learn to control your nerves and the art of performing by reading this article on handling stage fright and this article on tips for performing on stage.

Songs to Practice

Here are some songs to practice while incorporating the above tips:

  • Propuesta Indecente
  • La Diabla
  • Obsesión
  • Héroe Favorito
  • Eres Mía

You can find the vocal range for each of these songs by using Singing Carrots' song search feature. Happy singing!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.